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Engineered Touchpoint Access

Uniquely Enabling On-Stream CUPS / TPC Inspection & Remediation


Projects Completed






Global Operators

0 yrs

In Business

Now with years of engineering expertise and the successful deployment of specialized lifting tools, Ovolifts has become a global authority for facilitating on-stream piping and pipeline touchpoint inspection and remediation programs. Our innovative lifting solutions are widely adopted by select global petrochemical plant operators.


To serve our global market we have developed trusted partners in Canada, UK, Europe, South America, Australia, Asia and the GCC to leverage our ability to support our engineered lifting solutions outside of the USA and South Africa.


Providing innovative engineered touchpoint access and pipeline intervention lifting solutions are our passion. Call us and you will understand why.

Assuring Asset Integrity

Our engineering experience combines our unique lifting systems or conventional methods to enable inspection and corrosion prevention maintenance on multiple pipe touchpoints while the lines are on-stream, thereby averting costly plant shutdowns or extended turnarounds. 


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Remote Lifting

Lifting is done remotely using hydraulics which allows personnel work from a safe distance away from potential hazards.

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Lift Multiple Pipes

Lift any number of lines on a pipe rack in a single lifting operation and across multiple supporting.

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Lift From The Supports

Lift directly from any support size/shape, replacing traditional pipe rack jacks which require a minimum clearance.

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Static Structure

Eliminates suspended loads by positively restricting the jacks stroke to create a temporary pipe support.



Engineering and planning enables on-stream line lifting, including of hydrocarbon and hazmat lines.

Schedule A Free Consultation

Ready to bring your project to life? Contact us today to discuss your project scope and explore how we can work together to achieve goals. 

Why Ovolifts?

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Lift multiple lines across multiple supports on a pipe rack in a single lifting operation.

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Project safety is assured by eliminating hazards and implementing safety procedures.

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Cranes are costly, have a large operating footprint and introduce safety hazards.




Our engineering in combination with our pipe jacks are proven in on-stream projects.

Ovolifts’ enables access to multiple work areas whilst the equipment is on-stream, giving plant engineers and contractors critical information on pipe touchpoint condition and access to perform maintenance in a single, coordinated operation. 


Why is this so valuable? Because it enables a plant to advance their pipe, piping and cable tray TPC programs from a reactive to proactive footing.


Reactive maintenance pushes aside planned maintenance and often results in emergency work outside of plant TO’s. It is also costlier because emergency repairs are difficult to diagnose, budget and execute, whereas planned maintenance tasks are less work intensive and more productive.

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10795 Hammerly Blvd, Unit D09, Houston, TX 77043

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