Rope Access On 16" Flare Line

A Leading Petrochemical Facility in Southeast Texas has a Carbon Steel NPS 16 Flare Line that needed on-stream, direct inspection due to concerns for corrosion under pipe supports that was identified as part of SEPs (Specialized Emphasis Programs) under their Corporate Asset Integrity Management (AIM) Program.
The Flare Line was located on the top level of the intra-unit pipe racks making direct-access challenging. Since there was no way to use conventional lifting methods (i.e. chain falls) and crane usage would have created logistic issues and increased personnel on-site, a solution was developed using rope access and the portable Ovolifts jacks.

A comprehensive work package was developed that allowed the owner to demonstrate that the piping system integrity would be maintained & operational/personnel risk minimized for the duration of the work.
Enhanced Safety
Improve safety and production by utilizing rope access inspection crews.
Rope access eliminates the need for multiple scaffolds.
Line lifts hydraulically actuated from safe distance.
Line lifting devices are mechanically locked-out to provide safe, temporary supports, allowing safe access.
Innovative lifting-devices reduced the need for crane support and minimized applied pipe stress.
Schedule Optimization
Efficiency & net-cost savings
Project completed 25% ahead of schedule.
Reduced equipment footprint and manpower on site, eliminated scaffold and cranes.
Off-Site reporting was completed in a timely manner.